New Year’s Resolutions
In the New Year everything supposed to be new.
And how can it be old?
Only if I allow the old.
By creating more of the old.
Since everything is my choice, and the whole of my reality equals 100% of my choosing, in the next round I choose to manifest:
- Love
- Balance
- Friendship
- Health
- Longevity
- Abundance
- Joy
- Fun
- Peace
- Harmony
- Inner Expansion
- Trust
- Gratitude
- Wisdom
I have all the Powers Inside. I don’t need anybody or anything to create in my stead. All I need is to be Present and create only that which I desire to manifest.
In these last minutes of 2016 I therefore take, for the very LAST time a look at, and pronounce as non-existent the following words and concepts:
- Luck
- Hope
- Doubt
- Uncertainty
- Fear
- Hate
- Anger
- Jealousy
- Illness
- Illusion
- Magic
Those words and false concepts they represent cease to exist in my reality as of midnight.
Signed by: I AM
This statement carries the energy signature of my Being as my binding stamp.
For sharing with all in resonance and CO-CREATION.
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