Welcome to 2016
As this is my opening message for 2016 I’d like to start by asking you: have you noticed how quickly the time went?! It feels as if only a week or two passed since the Christmas trees were sticking out of every corner. And yet the month of February is already coming to an end.
And have you remarked how many noticeable weather swings we had in the past few weeks? Temperature was jumping up and down here in Geneva from minus 5 to plus 18, clear skies turned into dark clouds hammering with heavy snow only to stay for a day to be absorbed by a torrential rain next day.
And Geneva is not an exception – this is a worldwide phenomenon.
Did you pay attention to those impressive shifts? Did you ask yourself a question what causes them? Climate change you thinking?
I would like to offer you an unconventional explanation, as I was never buying in the ‘climate change’ theory. Are humans responsible for pollution on the planet – my answer is yes. Would the weather patterns shift even if we polluted only 5% of what we do today? Yes again to that.
So here is my take on why the swings are happening now. If you attended my “2012” talks four years ago you might recall that I introduced a concept of the Water Cycle. So the fact that we are actually in a Water cycle is my explanation number One. My reason number Two is also the cause of the number One.
What we are seeing now in our reality is an echo of a polarity in Human nature. As goes Humanity, so goes the Earth. As the polarity between the dark and the light increases, so will the polarity between heat and cold, wet and dry. Looking at the rate of polarization it is safe to assume that there will be extra cold and extra hot, extra precipitations and extra drafts further down the timelines of 2016; and where they meet together are the seemingly risky areas.
I plan to contribute more from my studies regarding the Water cycle, the heightening of the polarity and other significant potentials in the subsequent posts.
There’s a big potential for us to see more duality this year in our world than we’ve ever seen before. Polar opposites on many fronts will be in our face. The potentials for us to see the extremes in weather, in mood, relationships, politics are therefore close or at the peak this year.
In these circumstances it will be more important than ever to master your ability to return to the center, to regain your balance. For me these are the most powerful tools to attain the balance:
- meditation
- breathing practices
- walking in nature
- physical grounding
As is the case with every truly powerful tool that we possess, these gifts are free, have no side effects and you can’t overdose.
If you are in the Geneva area next Tuesday February 23 join us at the Common Vision screening of “Heal For Free”. I will be talking about many applications for Grounding and different modalities and tools available today.
Another great thing to do to support yourself is to be able to connect with others who are like-hearted and who hold the same vision of the truth that you see with your own heart. One of our main motives for creating Common Vision in Geneva was to offer our community a platform where people could meet and share their wisdom and light.
Collectively we are going through a process of birth. It can continue in slow ways month-by-month, year-by-year or, we can step into it more quickly, more consciously by banding together whenever we feel the resonance with someone else. Use that resonance to increase your powers of activity and your ability to co-create new way of being human.
Our toolbox is expanding more rapidly than ever. If people spent as much time on their spirituality and innate gifts and abilities as they spend on its counterpart – technology, the entire human race would be enlightened already. The time has come to realize that we need to stop outsourcing our spiritual gifts to some clever folks in the Silicon Valley. All the powers are WITHIN. But! Our gifts need to be exercised – we use them or loose them.
While I truly believe there will be wondrous dis-coveries this year, I would suggest not to invest your time and energy into WAITING for something to happen. I have a strong feeling that those “offering” you help, support and even material things after some event happens, have their manipulative agendas. Whatever is the wrapping they try to blind you with. So “viewer discretion is STRONGLY advised” here. Work on your gifts, master your ability to balance and center yourself in any situation, become a new truly Quantum being.
The movie projector of the old power-and-control paradigm is dimming, at an exponential rate. The illusion of it is less solid now on our reality screen. It’s there – it’s just increasingly disconnected from what we sense to be valid and rational. And we want to write a new story.
True progress does not happen in a linear fashion. It happens in spirals of opening and opening and opening so that we can incorporate all levels of reality rather than trying to progress from A to B.
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